
Understanding Self and Others Module


Personal development and planning refers to a process for making an effective action plan to improve performance of an individual. It helps in making an efficient goals and objective about what an individual wants to achieve. In this context, it will helps an individual in controlling its overall activities in a proper manner. It helps an individual in improving their skills and competence regarding a particular task which leads to improve its overall performance. In addition to this SWOT analysis and development plan is mentioned in this report which will help an individual in identifying their strength and weakness and in improving their skills and knowledge in accordance with a particular task assigned. It prepares an individual to face uncertain events arise due to competitive environment.

Pro- forma of team working skill

What is the core skill to develop?

According to the point of view of...., team work is considered as the common effort of various people for achieving single goal or objective. It is required by every individual to develop of their team work skill as it helps them in working together in a team for different projects. It can be said that by developing skill of team work individual can easily work with their colleagues or team member which reduces chances of conflicts a workplace. It also contributes in enhancing positive bonding among employees which helps finishing up the single task in less period of time with the support of team members. As a result, it contributes in enhancing productivity of the company which leads to ultimate high range of profitability.

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Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

Team work skill is an essential skill for individual as it reflects the ability of employees to work collaboratively with the team mates. This skill is beneficial for the employees as well as organisation as it helps in finishing up work in less time frame. Collaborative working also influences sustainable of employees in the company as they feel more comfortable while working with team member. This comfortable zone also arises because they can share their problems with the same team mate and find out its resolution. I have selected this skill to give detailed description as I personally feels that having support of team mates minimises stress level and also motives me to perform my job responsibility to achieve my own as well as organisational goals and objectives.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you access your competence?

According to my own evaluation, I have analysed I am good in team working skill as I own great command over communication skills which helps me influencing my team mates to work with me positively. Soft communication skills also help me in building positive relationship with team member and it also reduces chances of being disputes at work place. As a result, I am easily able to perform my job responsibility with team member and also achieve organisational goals and objective quickly. Good command over this skill have been identified by my senior manager as they thinks that I am working achieving goals of the company more quickly while working in a team. Along with this, they thinks that good command over communication contributes in enhancing my team working skill.

Can you identify contradiction from your analysis above?

It has been analysed that my effective team work skills helps me building up positive relationship with the team mates which contributes in achieving targeted goals and objective of company as well. But, as per my own evaluation I personally feels that in some cases I am not able to corporate with my team mates which makes me realise that only owning soft communication skill is not enough to work effectively with team members. But, it also requires good range patience to work with team members effectively.

How this skill will help me in the future?

It can said that by having good team working skills I can easily achieve my future goals and objective that is becoming a team manager in future. As this team working skill will help me in managing my work with the team members effectively. As a result, it will be easier for me to manage my future team in the company effectively in order to achieve targeted goals and objective of the company.

Pro- forma of Public speaking skill

What is the core skill to develop?

As per the thoughts of ….., it can be said that public speaking refers to the capability of individual to talk with the group of people by standing front of them. It is the attractive way to persuade overall group to listen them carefully in order to make them understand their point of view in the same direction. Mainly I am focusing on developing public speaking skills of mine as it will help me in representing my thoughts and viewpoint with others.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

Public speaking skill is most important skill for the individuals especially if they work in an large organisation or multinational company. It has been analysed that large organisation are only giving preference to those individuals who owns high range of skills which are beneficial for the organisation in achieving its targeted goals and objectives. I have chosen this skill to develop as it is considered as basic requirement for me to increase my sustainability in organisation.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you access your competence?

It has been analysed by me that I am weak public speaking as I feel hesitant while leading whole team by standing in front of them. I personally feel nervous while conveying essential message to the team member. This weakness of mine have been evaluated by audience as they are not able to understand what I am actually conveying to them. This situation occurs because of nervousness as due to this my intension and thoughts are not clearly expressed to listeners and they are unable to understand it. I have realised my weakness in this skill while observing listeners who looks less satisfied with the my speech.

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Can you identify contradiction from your analysis above?

As per the above stated analysis over public speaking I have realised that even though some of my listeners seems to look like unsatisfied as my thoughts are not clear to them which shows that I am weak in public speaking skill. But, on the other hand according to past experience when I have taken some feedback from my listeners they have stated that they are able to understand my point of view. Along with this, my point of view is clear to them.

How this skill will help me in the future?

It can be said that by improving public speaking skills of mine I can easily grow in the future. As by having effective representable skill I can easily conduct some impressive public speaking sessions in company which will reflect my positive representable skill. As, it has been seen that large scale organisation are giving more preference to those employees who owns positive representable skills. This will directly increase growth opportunity for me in future.

Pro- forma of conflict resolution skill

What is the core skill to develop?

According to the authors point of view, it can be said that conflict resolution is the ability of individual or team member to find out actual solution on the same thing in peaceful manner. It is required by the individual to develop their conflict resolution skills in order to maintain positive working environment at workplace. It can be said that by having good command over this skill individual can easily attain their targeted goals and objective in less period of time.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

This skill is considered as the most important skill which not only helps them in managing their professional life but it also helps in simplifying personal life too. I have selected conflict resolution skill of mine to get recovered in order to improve it effectively. As a result, it will help me in taking better decision without being bias at workplace.

Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you access your competence?

As per the above specified evaluation, it has been identified that I am good in conflict resolution skill because I am able to take right decision at the time of issues which takes place in the company. This strength of mine shows that I am taking right decision for the organisation as well as employees without being bias to anyone. This deficiency of mine have been identified by my colleagues at workplace as according to them I am not able to take right decision while managing conflicts at workplace.

Can you identify contradiction from your analysis above?

According to the above specified evidence, I have analysed that my conflict resolution skill is not much effective as I am not able to take right decision at the time of conflict. It has been analysed that my co-worker feels that I am resolving disputes at initial stage with right time. But, on the other hand I have analysed that according to some previous experience my corrective decision toward conflict have minimised its impact at the initial stage only. This can be easily understood with help of example. One of my decision towards conflict resolution was initially seems to look

How this skill will help me in the future?

As per the above stated analysis, it can be said that developing conflict resolution skill of mine is helpful for my future growth. As by enhancing my command over this skill I can take right decision during conflicts by understanding over all situation. It will also help me in maintaining positive relationship among employer.

Pro- forma of feedback taking and giving skill

What is the core skill to develop?

As per the thoughts of......, taking and giving feedback is the effective way to improve performance of individual as well as organisation. It is considered as the capability of individual to give true feedback which will help the listener in understanding their weakness or deficiency which can be improved.

Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on?

Giving and taking feedback is an important skill for the individual to develop in them, as it will help them in understanding their weak areas which can be improved easily improved by knowing them. I have selected this skill as an effective which are required to be developed effectively in order to represent my true thoughts towards the product or service for which I am giving my feedback. It can be said views which are represented with the medium of feedback are really valuable to company as they evaluate actual scenario and find out solution for the same.

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Reflect on your current competent regarding this skill. How did you access your competence?

As per my own analysis I have analysed that I am not able to give right feedback to the one who asks me questions. This normally occurs because when an individual asks me about feedback I personally prefer to give them positive response about their products and services. My efforts of making them feel misleads them to understand their weak areas. This reflects my weakness while giving feedback. This deficiency of mine has been identified by my colleagues. As, I have recently attended a workshop with my colleagues in which I filled positive but wrong feedback form. This wrong activity of mine was analysed by my batch mates and they have realised me its negative impression over the growth of workshop organiser. In relation to this, i have also analysed my same activity again where i founded myself faulty as i have actually give wrong feedback.

Can you identify contradiction from your analysis above?

As per above stated evaluation, I have analysed that for workshop scenario my colleagues were right but this does not means that I am always placing negative feedback. As according to the past experience of mine I have analysed that my given positive feedback motivates individuals about his products and services which encourages him to produce more effective products. I myself believe my skill of giving feedback is not that much weak.

How this skill will help me in the future?

It can be said that giving true feedback will allow me to represent my true thoughts about products or services which I am using. In relation to career, it can be said that if I will develop my feedback giving skill then I can expect from my organization to avail me improved services. As my true feedback will realise them about actual weakness of their weakness of their and they can modify accordingly.

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